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The Board of the District meets the 4th Tuesday of the following months: January, March, May, September, and October at 7:00 34980 Pronghorn Dr. Whitewater, CO 81527. These meetings are open to the public and any resident of the districts welcome. We encourage you to attend.

We have three chairs opening on the board and need board members. If you own land in district or live in district and want to be involved reach out.


Election Notices 

Election 2022 - On February 25, 2022, the Board of Directors, seeing no other candidates for positions than was nominated, cancelled the election and designated the following to the Board of Directors: Eric Brown, Kent Clinkingbeard, Wayne DeGesualdo and Chuck Nelson. On October 25, 2022 David Hancock was appointed to the Board of Directors.

Understanding ISO Ratings 

There are many questions surrounding the cost of insurance for this area. A helpful article on ISO Ratings may be beneficial to you. Please select Understanding ISO Ratings for this article and our Rating Letter from ISO.

Understanding ISO Ratings2019 ISO Ratings Letter.pdf